We Can’t Scale Meta Ads

No matter how much fresh creative we throw into the mix, Meta is limiting our ability to scale ad spend.

Happy Wednesday!

I’ve been working in performance marketing for over 6 years, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that scaling Meta ads can feel like trying to push a boulder uphill.

Over the summer, we’ve hit a barrier with our internal brand, despite launching and testing new creative non-stop.

I want to share what steps we’re taking to overcome these roadblocks and scale our Meta ads.

What you will learn today:

  • Why using cost caps created a bottleneck for our brand

  • Why Meta puts ad spend behind 1 or 2 ads and leaves the others to gather dust

  • Why Meta struggles to find fresh audiences within your desired cost cap

  • What can we do about it while maintaining profitability

And much more…

Bonus For You

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Idea of the Week

Unable to scale profitably on Meta?
Take a step back, analyze your ad creative, and ask yourself if you’re offering Meta enough variety to work with.

Jakub Szunyogh, 10X ROAS

Top Content of the Week

We’ve been running cost caps as a bidding method, and while this approach has helped us keep costs under control, it’s also creating a bottleneck.

No matter how much fresh creative we throw into the mix, Meta is limiting our ability to scale ad spend within these cost caps.

If you’re running ads on Meta, you might have faced similar challenges.

Why is this happening?

Here’s what I’ve learned: Meta’s algorithm tends to group similar ad creatives together.

If you have multiple ads that share the same visuals, messaging, or problem-solution angles, Meta will likely pick just one or two to push, leaving the others to gather dust.

This can be frustrating when you’ve put time and effort into creating a diverse set of ads, only to see a few dominate the spend.

This is especially problematic when you're targeting a small market like ours.

Even with different creatives, if they’re all centered around similar problems or benefits—say, targeting office workers looking to lose weight—Meta will struggle to find fresh audiences within your desired cost cap.

It’s as if the algorithm says, “We’ve shown this to everyone who might be interested; now what?”

So, what can we do about it?

1. New Angles

We need to break out of the narrow targeting and messaging that Meta has grown too familiar with.

This means thinking outside the box and coming up with completely new angles:

  • Who else might benefit from our product?

  • What other problems can it solve?

We’re going to test these new angles rigorously and see what sticks.

2. New Creative Styles

Instead of sticking to one style or format, we’ll be experimenting with a variety of creative styles. This includes different formats, messages, and even the overall aesthetic.

The goal is to offer Meta a wider range of ads that don’t all look and feel the same.

3. New Landing Pages

Once we identify an angle that works, we’ll be building specific landing pages tailored to that audience.

Initially, all traffic will go to our optimized homepage, but if we find a new audience that responds well, they’ll get their own tailored experience, which should help us convert more efficiently.

4. Fresh Ad Creative

It’s not enough to just launch new ads—we need to make sure they stay fresh.

That means not just tweaking the same old scripts and visuals but really shaking things up.

We want to make sure that no matter where our potential customers are, whether it’s on Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok, they’re seeing a variety of ads that keep our brand top of mind without feeling repetitive.

Looking Ahead

We’re committed to scaling our brand while maintaining profitability, but that means being willing to adapt and innovate constantly.

If you’re facing similar challenges, my advice is to take a step back, analyze your ad creative, and ask yourself if you’re offering Meta enough variety to work with.

It’s not just about having more ads; it’s about having more different ads.

I’ll keep you updated on how these strategies play out in the coming weeks.

Until then, keep testing, keep optimizing, and remember—there’s always a way to break through.

We've put together this training to teach you how to create a high-performing creative strategy for your brand.

This is the same process we use to build creative strategies for hundreds of brands, which has resulted in top-performing UGC ads for our clients across various industries.


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How We Can Help You

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways we can help you…

  1. If you’re looking for a creative partner who will handle your entire creative production, deliver winning ads every month, and help you scale, apply to work with us here. We have worked with brands like HexClad, BestSelf, Product Hunt, Morning Brew, and others.

  2. Want us to train your internal team and implement all of our creative production systems and strategies in your business? Apply here and we will help you build an in-house team that can create hundreds of winning ads every month.

  3. If you’re looking to take your ad performance to the next level and have a consistent stream of winning creative, but don’t want to hire anyone, we have created a program that teaches you our entire creative production process and everything we have learned over 3 years of creating tens of thousands of ads.